Our Mission

To revolutionize the way security is approached. We believe in taking a proactive stance against crime, stopping illegal activities before they occur.

Let's talk about how Virtual Guard can help you.

Trusted to protect New Zealand property.

Creating Peace of Mind

We envision a world where potential threats are neutralized before they can ever become a reality. At VirtualGuard, we’re not just reacting to crime, we’re anticipating it. Our mission is to fundamentally transform the approach to security, shifting the focus from reaction to prevention.

Utilizing advanced algorithms and AI systems, our systems analyze patterns and behaviors that indicate potential threats. By harnessing the power of data, we can identify risks and take action in real-time.

We are a community partner. By preventing crime, we contribute to safer neighborhoods and assets which helps create a better quality of life for everyone.

Join us in our journey to create a safer community. VirtualGuard is your vigilant ally, guarding against the unknown with foresight and precision.